About Me

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I enjoy long walks on the beach, lol. haha! That is not how I'm starting my about me section. I love big cities and I'm glad to be alive. I love love although it disapoints sometimes but every heartache ends with a lesson that we either take as experience or regret. I'm a very complex person beyond the simple facade. Get to know me! It'll be a ride!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

This I Believe

These days, I'm always asking myself, "What do I believe in?" and I get all sorts of jumbled feelings about my beliefs. I believe in so may things, that I am almost unable to narrow it down to one belief, but I have chosen. I believe in pursuing our dreams, whether it takes months or years, because every day that we have lived through could have been a day in which we could have been a day in which we could have been closer to our dreams.
I absolutely hate when people are reluctant to follow their goals because they claim to have other things to do. Why is it that we can't drop everything, get on a plane, and fetch our dreams? We are afraid to end up with nothing, while we're working for everything that we have. Nobody wants to see themselves in a rocking chair at 85 years having accomplished nothing in life. Fear is what stops us from doing what we love.
I believe that while we have a youthful chance, we should all pack up and fly to the place we want to be. We have the right to screw up and try things until we get them right. We have the right to be worry-free and do things from instinct, while we still have a fighting chance against those that tell us that we will never make it. We decide when we want things and how we want them. We all have the right to reach for our dreams, but not everybody does. This is the reason why the brave hearted ones should stand up and claim their territory.
I believe that if we're brave enough to reach our dreams, there will be a gift waiting for us in the end. Even if we don't reach our dreams, we will have gained self satisfaction in the end.
My dream is to be famous, and until this day, I have felt self conscious admitting it. The odds are unbelievably high, but I believe that if I want fame very badly and go after it, then I will reach my goal. I am only five foot two, which is short, to be a model, but I know that I can still do it. My singing needs improving as well as my acting ability, but I have got all the faith in this world, that I can be who I want to be. If it doesn't work out in the end, then I will have atleast given it my all.
I believe that we all deserve happiness, with our without money. If we aren't meant to be public workers, then let it be. I believe that when I'm 85, sitting on a rocking chair with my other half, and looking at the brightest sun, I will have lived the most satisfying and happy life that I could never imagine. This I believe.

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