About Me

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I enjoy long walks on the beach, lol. haha! That is not how I'm starting my about me section. I love big cities and I'm glad to be alive. I love love although it disapoints sometimes but every heartache ends with a lesson that we either take as experience or regret. I'm a very complex person beyond the simple facade. Get to know me! It'll be a ride!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Most Difficult Thing

The most difficult thing that I had to do was to give up coffee. I was so little when I had started drinking coffee that I don't remember when I actually started. I remember sipping coffee with my dad as if I was the age I am now. We would talk over coffee and have dinners with coffee on the side. Having consumed a great amount of coffee since I was a young girl, makes me believe that it has stunted my growth. A few years ago, I knew that I had to stop drinking caffeine as if it was normal. Along with one coffee per day, I was also having sodas on a regular basis. The thought of what it was doing inside my body, grossed me out and I knew I had to drop the habit little by little. I cut soda out of my diet completely. In other words, cold turkey. What was hard to drop was the coffee, but I knew that it was necessary. The soda wasn't difficult, because there were other things in the refrigerator that were as good. I had to find a replacement for coffee, and I remember that when I had lived in New York with my great aunt, I would drink tea. Tea has caffeine but I believe it's not as bad as coffee is. Once I had replaced coffee by tea, I drank tea about twice a day. Now it's a few times a week. I broke the habit of coffee and I now drink it occasionally. Tea is what I'm passionate about! I drink sweet tea atleast twice a day and I have hot green tea in the morning. I have become a tea fanatic; I always switch it up, though. Giving up coffee was the most difficult thing that I've ever had to do, but it was worth it.

Friday, September 24, 2010


A Lemon
Lemon's are tangy and sour. They have a rubbery texture but blast you with flavor when you bite into it.

They are hard and full of flavor. The texture is tough and almost ceramic. Always minty.

A chocolate bar
Very sweet and rich. Tough exterior.

Creamy Fudge
Creamy, sweet and can be rich. Melted and easy to eat.

A Banana
Smushy and soft smelling.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


If I found out that I had won $10,000, I would be extremely excited, and somehow I have the gut feeling that it would be gone quickly. I would immediately save $2,000 for the Invisible Children organization. I would start looking for travel places in Europe, because that's where I have always wanted to visit. Of course, I wouldn't go alone; I would invite my best friend, Roberto, along with me, because ever since we were little we made a pact that one day we would visit Europe together. With $10,000, my visit to Europe would be perfect!

Monday, September 20, 2010

African Proverb

"If you give, you will recieve."
-African Proverb

I am a fan of this proverb that it's a normal part of my life. I choose to give so much that it almost feels like it's normal for me to recieve. I may not give large amounts, but like another proverb, it's the thought that counts. A major example is when we give at church on Sunday morning, we see that giving with an inner happiness leads to great things during the week. A personal example was when I had given my little brother an $80 gift card for Game Stop during Christams, and in return I wasn't worried about what I was going to get. While I wasn't focused on what I was to recieve, I got $200 for shopping from my parents, an mp3 player, and a camera.
Sometimes we don't even see the material things we get from giving, but for me it's good enough to feel like great things are happening even though I don't see them.

Decadent Adjectives

1.There was a terrible earthquake in Alaska.

2.She had a critical case of pneumonia.

3.I was gloomy when the puppy died.

4.What an amazing dinner!

5.The ghost story was frightful.

6.She's such a nice person.
She's such a pleasant person.

7.I wonder what makes him happy.
I wonder what makes him content.

8.How are you so lucky?
How are you so fortunate?

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I have thought about what my wishes would be for when I die. I want a funeral, but I don't want to be buried. I want to be in the wind, flowing in a river, and blowing past the trees. I want to be missed but celebrated at the same time. If people could remember me for who I was and who I would have wanted to be, I would love that. I believe in pressing on, for no one should be stagnant because of someone who isn't here anymore. I want to believe that I would still be here with a purpose, which is why I would want a ceremony not a funeral.
I want to be cremated, this is why I believe a ceremony would be more appropriate for my death. Even if I'm not here, I would want to be part of something. Nature! If my ashes could be spilled through different areas of the planet, I believe it would have a positive impact on Earth. It would also seem more like me. I'm the type of person that wants to be in different places at the same time, and I want to be in those places. My departure would be the perfect time in which my wish would come true.
I'm also a unique person, which is why I don't want a funeral. Funeral's are very traditional where if one person wants to give a sincere and joyful smile, they might be looked as uncaring. I want reality, not fiction. I believe a ceremony would give me that. It would give others the right to truthful feelings about me, because I know that even if I may not be here at the time of my death, then atleast some part of me will still be. This is why funerals aren't my thing.

High Hopes, Low Slopes

Many years ago, I decided that I wanted to be an actress. I told my whole family. I didn't know which step to start with towards my dream. Somehow, God led me to the beginning of my acting struggle. A company that chooses new actors was coming into the town that I lived in to find new talent. I remember being very excited to go to the auditions so my parents supported me and took me.
I walked into the hotel, where the auditions were being held, with my head and hopes as high as I could get them. Little did I know, that there were going to be professionals there. That was the complete introduction to a whole new world. As I walked in through the glass doors, I stood in awe to find dim lights and a huge line of people. It was a crowd! They weren't just people, they were well dressed people! My confidence was still there, but it had sunk a little. A woman in a business suit settled the noise down and guided everyone through double doors into a room with music blasting through the walls. The company introduced themselves and then made people stand in two lines to the left and right sides of the room.
I remember standing on the left side with a gut wrenching feeling and my heart in my throat. I walked up to a man with short hair and a tie. He wanted to know my name and my favorite hobbies. I was way too shy and scared, therefore he decided that I wasn't ready for the acting industry, because I was too afraid to be approachable. I walked with my head down to where my parents were standing and silently cried. That night was the worst night of my life, because as perfect as I thought I was, someone was telling me otherwise. I had high hopes, but had been let down. I realized it was because it wasn't my time and I've learned very much since then. I've been doing all sorts of auditions for years and have learned that imperfections are what make us who we are. Others either like us or not.
The last couple of acting auditions that I have done, I have passed with flying colors. In fact, the last one I did, I was extremely sure that I had passed, because of the look the company owner had given me on my way out the door. With no surprise but much excitement they called me the next day to say that I had made it. Unfortunately, this came at a busy time in my life and I couldn't be part of the company, but I still have hopes that one day, maybe soon, I will be where I want to be.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

This I Believe

These days, I'm always asking myself, "What do I believe in?" and I get all sorts of jumbled feelings about my beliefs. I believe in so may things, that I am almost unable to narrow it down to one belief, but I have chosen. I believe in pursuing our dreams, whether it takes months or years, because every day that we have lived through could have been a day in which we could have been a day in which we could have been closer to our dreams.
I absolutely hate when people are reluctant to follow their goals because they claim to have other things to do. Why is it that we can't drop everything, get on a plane, and fetch our dreams? We are afraid to end up with nothing, while we're working for everything that we have. Nobody wants to see themselves in a rocking chair at 85 years having accomplished nothing in life. Fear is what stops us from doing what we love.
I believe that while we have a youthful chance, we should all pack up and fly to the place we want to be. We have the right to screw up and try things until we get them right. We have the right to be worry-free and do things from instinct, while we still have a fighting chance against those that tell us that we will never make it. We decide when we want things and how we want them. We all have the right to reach for our dreams, but not everybody does. This is the reason why the brave hearted ones should stand up and claim their territory.
I believe that if we're brave enough to reach our dreams, there will be a gift waiting for us in the end. Even if we don't reach our dreams, we will have gained self satisfaction in the end.
My dream is to be famous, and until this day, I have felt self conscious admitting it. The odds are unbelievably high, but I believe that if I want fame very badly and go after it, then I will reach my goal. I am only five foot two, which is short, to be a model, but I know that I can still do it. My singing needs improving as well as my acting ability, but I have got all the faith in this world, that I can be who I want to be. If it doesn't work out in the end, then I will have atleast given it my all.
I believe that we all deserve happiness, with our without money. If we aren't meant to be public workers, then let it be. I believe that when I'm 85, sitting on a rocking chair with my other half, and looking at the brightest sun, I will have lived the most satisfying and happy life that I could never imagine. This I believe.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Bedroom

Recently, I have updated the look of my room. Before I did anything to it, it had beige walls with traditional wallpaper on the top edges.
In the summer I decided that it was time for my room to represent me. I painted the walls a purple hue that brought joy to my face. I even painted over the wallpaper. The purple represents the calmness in my life, and whenever I walk in I actually do feel calm. There has been wall to wall carpet since we moved here and I didn't want to do anything with it, so I left it the way it is. My bedroom furniture is wood, but it almost looks like marble, because of the finish of it. I believe that the color seems almost airy and angelic. The color reminds me of me, because I'm as delicate as the color. In the left hand corner I hand painted an easel to look like the room. There I put a frame that has pictures of when I was a little girl. Under the easel, I placed two flowery storage boxes on top of eachother.
On the forward facing wall, I also handpainted a small table to match the room. Above the table I put a wall hook, because I always have things laying around and it's much easier to just throw things on the hooks. Ever since then, there hasn't been a moment where no hook is occupied. That's where the hooks are like me, always doing something. The word 'Relax' is on top of the hooks because it contradicts the purpose of the hooks. The hooks are always holding something, therefore they can't relax. My comforter sheets are also purple with leaves and stems printed on them. The comforter represents me in the ways that I try to be environmentally conscious and my love for nature. Over the window is a thick white burlap curtain with holes on the top. The curtain is contemporary because I love incorporating an old color with a new style. I am like the curtain, because as light as I seem, sometimes it's hard to let the light in. Overall, I have three mirrors in my room, not because I like to look at myself, but because the more mirrors the more light there is. One last important thing in my room is the books I have laying around. It makes me laugh that many of the books that lie around my room, I haven't finished reading, because I have a bad habit of reading part of one book and going on to the next, but all the books I own are very important to me. They show me other people's lives, whether fact or fiction. This is my bedroom and that's a fact.

Severe Weather

I was watching the raindrops hit the window pane and lightning strike when I heard a loud crash. I quickly ran down the spiral stairs to find my parents and little brother scream. I looked for them past the open living room. On my way to the dining room I found a cereal bowl on the floor with milk making a ring around it. I continued walking around the house until I found them. They were all standing in the kitchen staring out through the large bay window. I noticed what they were looking at. A big oak tree was split in half with branches hanging over the jagged edges. After a few minutes of amazement we retreated from the window and heard another loud crash as the house shook. We ran back to the window and this time we found fire along the recently fallen tree.
My dad raced to the living room television to find that there was a severe thunderstorm in our area. My parents figured out what to do in the situation. We had fifteen minutes to choose our favorite things and get in the car parked in the drive way. I ran up the stairs and headed towards my room. I grabbed my camera, mp3 player, cell phone, and a book. These were the things that meant most to me. Once we were in the car, we went up north to our grandmother's house.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Extreme People

If I lived in a country that was run by extreme people, I believe that I would protest their policies. Like the other hero's in history, of course I would be afraid, but fear is something that holds us back alot of the time. Most of the time we are pushed out of society, when we don't agree with society, but if it meant that if I was to stand up, things would change for the better, then I definitely would.

We all know that life isn't fair, but we can make it fair if we strongly believe in something enough to persuade others to believe what we believe. I know that there will be consequences to my actions, because it will be seen as defying regulations. Even if I was scared or afraid, it wouldn't show if I'm fighting for what I believe in.

If I was in this situation, I would be inspired by Martin Luther King, Jr., Mahatma Ghandi, Rosa Parks and all the others that set the example for me. I would be proud to step into their shoes, because it would also help me grow as a person. These experiences are what help us get better at dealing with life.

Tie me up in chains and cause damage to me, but I'm willing to fight for everyone else's happiness, even if they don't believe that they need it.