About Me

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I enjoy long walks on the beach, lol. haha! That is not how I'm starting my about me section. I love big cities and I'm glad to be alive. I love love although it disapoints sometimes but every heartache ends with a lesson that we either take as experience or regret. I'm a very complex person beyond the simple facade. Get to know me! It'll be a ride!

Monday, February 21, 2011

My Fairytale

If I could pick a fairytale and make it come true, I would definitely pick Cinderella. I wouldn't choose it because it's the most common and recognized story in the planet, but because at the end of the hardest days of my life would be a prince that comes to save me. I would be rescued from all the things that have harmed me from the start. After going through many challenges it's only fair that there's a treat at the end of the tunnel and having a prince would make any girl happy.

Teaching Someone

If I could teach a person something, it would be speaking Spanish, because I'm fluent in it. I would prefer to teach my little brother because although he is 100% hispanic and is forced to speak Spanish at home, he isn't very good at it. He mixes many English words with small Spanish words, which is why I am the home translator. A lot of the time my mom and dad won't understand what he's saying unless he's speaking English all the way, so they ask me what he said and it's very agravating that I'm the only one who can peice it all together.

The Best Summer

The best summer that I have ever had was when I was thirteen. My family and I lived in Roanoke, Virginia, a town that was a slightly bigger city than Monroe. We decided to visit our extended family in New York and after that we were to go to Orlando, Florida to visit Disney World. When we were staying in New York, my cousins and I thought it would be a marvelous idea if they tagged along on our family roadtrip. After New York we all drove to Jacksonville, Florida to visit some more family and stayed in a spacious hotel. We left for Orlando and stayed there for a few days and then headed back home to Virginia in order for my parents and I to pack up to move to Louisiana. My cousins and I went to downtown Roanoke on the last night in town and we all had fun sharing stories and laughing at one another. The very next day we all left a town together to go in seperate directions. They went back to New York City and my family and I left to go to a place that I had never visited.

Increased Life Expectancy

I believe that increased life expectancy is both a blessing and a curse. It would be a blessing because we would have more to live for and more things to achieve in our lives. One hundred years isn't enough for me to fulfill all of my dreams and if I had more time then I would have my heart set on a great amount of dreams.

The reason that life expectancy is a curse is because we may not appreciate the greater amount of time that we have to live. Instead of doing great things with our lives, we may grow up thinking that when we get older we can be better people but until that time we can be as bad as we want.

Bellybutton Lint

If I saw that my friend had bellybutton lint I would laugh really hard, therefore exposing the lint in their bellybutton. My guess is that it's difficult to gather lint in ones bellybutton, which is why I would tell my friend about the lint. It would be very impressive to have bellybutton lint so I would love to know how it got there.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Grandparent's Attic

If I discovered a hidden trunk in my grandparent's attic, I would love to find pictures of their lives when they were younger so that I would know that they could still relate to my life now. It would help me understand them better than before, because I would know that they once did things that I may do now with my friends. I'd love to hear stories about them in which I could empathize with them.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Life on Other Planets

As funny as it may seem to some people, I do believe that there is life in other planets. It's one of those things that you just have to believe without proof. I think that anything is possible and there's no doubt about it. I will stand by my word when I say that there are tiny creatures in Mars right now that are probably asking themselves if there is life in other planets, and some of them might be like me and believe that there are little people like me with the same assumption. Many things can't be proved, but anything can be possible.

Someone I love...

One of the most important people in my life is my friend Rachal. We have fought a couple of times and we always move past our obstacles and come back to each other, because we have realized that our friendship is more important than not having it at all. Her personality is straight forward but loving. This will make her a great mother one day. The way in which she can tell you that you are wrong, but know that she still loves you and be there for you every step of the way. She is fun to be around and she's great at diffusing situations.


Being successful means that you paved your own way through life to find a place and state of mind in which you are completely satisfied. It doesn't mean that you have to achieve riches and fame, but rather when a person is more than content with what they have. Success isn't something that can be reached without trying, it's striving to stay successful and getting there. It can easily go away if you are careless.

Worst Habit

My worst habit is that I bite my nails! It has gotten so bad that even if I'm just watching a movie, my hands are on autopilot. I have gone through stages in which I've stopped biting my nails, but unaware of it all, I may sit down to watch movies and my instinctive habit is to put my nails in my hands and start biting. I have given up, but if there was some way that I could stop, I would be the first to do it.

Too Much in a Charity

I don't believe that a charity can have too much money to help, but I do believe that once the charity has enough for themselves then they should share with other charities, because it's not fair that other charities are unrecognized and may be important, but yet they may have insignificant funds.