About Me

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I enjoy long walks on the beach, lol. haha! That is not how I'm starting my about me section. I love big cities and I'm glad to be alive. I love love although it disapoints sometimes but every heartache ends with a lesson that we either take as experience or regret. I'm a very complex person beyond the simple facade. Get to know me! It'll be a ride!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

...Better Than Your Dreams

"When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams."

-Dr. Seuss

Whenever I see or hear this quote it brings an immense smile to my face, and I start thinking about it, only to find that it's completely true. A human day could become endless and boring when you have nothing to look forward to. We can even begin to drag ourselves around like lifeless porcelain dolls carrying all that weight around for a reason that we can not see for miles. We walk and walk until we hit an obstacle or sometimes we may hit what looks like treasure. It takes courage to open it up and see if what we find inside is worth our while. On the search for that treasure is when we fall in love. It doesn't matter if we're falling in love with the treasure or if we simply love having something to look forward to. Either way our lives are brightened with the feel of something new. We no longer push ourselves through the day, but rather try to sustain this excitement. We can no longer sleep at night, thinking about the day ahead of us. Reality is now more exhilirating than spending nights wondering what could be. This is the most thoughtful quote that I have ever come across!

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