About Me

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I enjoy long walks on the beach, lol. haha! That is not how I'm starting my about me section. I love big cities and I'm glad to be alive. I love love although it disapoints sometimes but every heartache ends with a lesson that we either take as experience or regret. I'm a very complex person beyond the simple facade. Get to know me! It'll be a ride!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dinner With Augustana

If I could have dinner with a band, I would pick Augustana, because all the songs they sing are meaningful.

I would start off by telling them how much I admire them. I would ask all of them who is the main lyricist they work with, because the words they use in their songs are very descriptive. When I listen to them, I get goosebumps and butterflies; that's how much they speak to me when I listen to them.

My main question would be, "Which songs are things that have actually happened to you?" I love this band so much that I wouldn't mind listening to their stories all day and all night long. I would love dinner with Augustana.

Night Owl

I have never understood the reasons behind my midnight inspirations. I never want to go to sleep at night, but I have to go to school the next day so I fall asleep around 11pm. I have come to the conclusion that I'm a night owl.

When I had said midnight inspirations, I meant that I always get the craziest ideas at night. When I'm not sleeping, I'm usually reading, listening to music, playing guitar, singing or writing lyrics. Sometimes, I even get the urge to go outside for a walk, but I never do because I don't want to get kidnapped at all. When I'm hanging out with friends at night, we never go to sleep and it never bothers me until I have a hard time waking up the next morning, which is why I'm not an early bird.

I get an energized feeling at night that I don't get in the morning. If I could, I would go out all night and sleep during the day. If I'm correct, I think that the reason why I love the night so much is because the temperature is usually much cooler than the day, and I prefer colder weather.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Talk and Dialogue

When we hear the words talk and dialogue we automatically start thinking of speech. Speech has very much to do with both of these words, but that doesn't mean that's the definition.

When we talk we are expressing ourselves through speaking. It could also mean that we are having a conversation about something and anything. That means that it's not the same as dialogue. Dialogue is written as a conversation between two or more people. Dialogue is never just a word or two, it's talking completely. A formal discussion is what takes place when dialogue happens.

As you see, talk and dialogue are similar but different words. Talk implies the action and dialogue implies the thing, which is why talk is a verb and dialogue is the noun.

The Last Meaningful Conversation

The last meaningful conversation I had was with a friend. Him and I have just recently started to speak to eachother as friends. He likes to tease that I'm a perfectionist without a solution. That means that as much as I know that I am not perfect nor is anybody else for that matter, I still believe that there is a possibility that perfection can be reached.

The other night, I didn't feel like talking to him, because I'm aware of how good he can read me. He called and we talked anyway. As I didn't feel like talking, things took a turn for the worst. He pointed out all my insecurites and faults as a human and it made me sad to think that I had so much baggage from life. It disturbed him that there was so much that I seemed to not know about myself and it disturbed me that he knew me as much as I did, yet I supposedly barely knew him. After that argument, it moved me that he cared about me enough to correct me. I had said a few things which led to him being mad at me, which is why he refused to speak to me after that.

The day after that, I felt refreshed and free enough to believe in him again. While he didn't want to talk to me as much as I did, I still went over to his house the next day. We both carry so much understanding for each other that it didn't take much for us to be friends again. Needless to say that after that meaningful conversation and house vist, we sealed our day with a handshake of newfound friendship. I learned that you don't need to know somebody for years to become great friends with them.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Classifieds by The Academy Is

My life reads like the classifieds.
Pages of what's for sale, whats on the auction block?
Attention bidders, its Lot 45,He's got a decent voice; he's got that crooked smile.
Hold on, you haven't heard the best yet...
He writes good storylines, he's got those honest eyes.
So, take him home for just $9.95, he'll sing the songs you like, he'll keep you warm at night (at night).

Back down, cash out, that's the city for ya.
Break down and back out, and get what's coming to you.
When you said you were falling apart.
I thought you meant that you were falling apart.Ohh oh...

I'm not the type to forget about nights like this,when every single move that I make is documented and scored for style points.
The once ambitious one, now holds a smoking gun.
And if I die in my sleep, are you still willing to be everything you promised you would be?

Back down, cash out, that's the city for ya.
Break down and back out, and get what's coming to you.
When you said you were falling apart.
I thought you meant that you were falling apart.Ohh oh...

Will you be the first one to tell the neigborhood papers,and all my family and friends that still care.
Did you buy what I sold and did you feel what I told you,I hope that you still do, will you? Promise yourself, that this isn't all we've got...

Back down, cash out, that's the city for ya.
Break down and back out, get what's coming to you.
When you said you were falling apart
I thought you meant that you were falling apart.

Back down, cash out, that's the city for ya.
Break down and back out, get what's coming to you.
When you said you were falling apart
I thought you meant that you were falling apart. Ohh oh...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

...Better Than Your Dreams

"When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams."

-Dr. Seuss

Whenever I see or hear this quote it brings an immense smile to my face, and I start thinking about it, only to find that it's completely true. A human day could become endless and boring when you have nothing to look forward to. We can even begin to drag ourselves around like lifeless porcelain dolls carrying all that weight around for a reason that we can not see for miles. We walk and walk until we hit an obstacle or sometimes we may hit what looks like treasure. It takes courage to open it up and see if what we find inside is worth our while. On the search for that treasure is when we fall in love. It doesn't matter if we're falling in love with the treasure or if we simply love having something to look forward to. Either way our lives are brightened with the feel of something new. We no longer push ourselves through the day, but rather try to sustain this excitement. We can no longer sleep at night, thinking about the day ahead of us. Reality is now more exhilirating than spending nights wondering what could be. This is the most thoughtful quote that I have ever come across!

Dusty Pink

I think sometimes we look past the innocence that lives within us. It all depends on the sort of innocence we carry; I'm a dusty pink. As a little girl, I always chose the dusty pink nail polish to paint my delicate toes and fingers. Like me, the color was as frail as rose petals. In fact, I remember carefully picking different colored roses from the rose bed in the backyard and then bringing them inside the house to give to my mother and she'd say, "You're just like this rose over here." and it would be the pink rose. Not much has changed, I'm still that way. One thing that has changed is that I can choose a shirt and pants to match without having my parents ask what I'm wearing.
I know I have grown up some, because I no longer wish for a white horse to ride on, but rather an impressive car to drive. Although, that white horse would have been pleasant. Now, I'm a somewhat simple sale lover who is happy with the smaller things in life. Due to my laid back lifestyle, my motto is be calm, collected, and comforting. At night, I bathe in lavender scented bath salt to help me continue living my motto. It's as relaxing as sitting under the air conditioner in extreme heat. It always feels good to be at peace...The way in which we hang ribbons to congratulate a newborn girl into the world is the way it feels to have a dusty pink hue reside in your soul.